CDL Manual Directory
Clicking the button below will navigate you to a directory page that lists all 50 states' CDL Manuals.
CDL Schools & Training Provider Directory
Clicking the button will navigate you to a list of companies and institutions that specialize providing CDL training to trucking professionals.
Large Truck Dealer Directory
Clicking the button will navigate you to a list of companies that specialize in large truck sales separated by truck brand name.
Equipment Leasing/Rental Company Directory
Clicking the button will navigate you to a list of companies that specialize in leasing or renting equipment to trucking professionals.
Freight Factoring Directory
Clicking the button will navigate you to a list of Freight Factoring companies with a short description of the services they offer to customers.
Load Board Directory
Clicking the button will navigate you to a list of recommended free and for pay load boards carriers should consider using to optimize their operations.
Trucking Association Directory
This file is a downloadable PDF that lists associations that are specific to the trucking industry with links to their websites.
State Trucking Association Directory
This file is a downloadable PDF that lists State specific associations that are specialize in the trucking industry with links to their websites.
Popular Truck Stop Directory
Clicking the button will navigate you to a list of popular truck stops around the country. These locations have great reviews of the amenities they offer to drivers.
2024 Trade Show Directory
Clicking the button will navigate you to a list of upcoming 2024 trade shows you should consider attending to enhance your skills in the trucking industry.

Oversize Permit Directory
Clicking the button below will navigate you to a directory page that lists all 50 states' websites for oversize permits.

Acronym & Lingo Directory
Clicking the button below will navigate you to a directory page that lists and defines acronyms seen in the trucking industry.

FREE 30 Days of DAT Load Board TruckersEdge
Clicking the button below will navigate you to DAT's site to sign up for a FREE 30 DAYS of TruckersEdge Load Board software.
Soshaul Logistics LLC and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. It is meant to serve as a guide and information only and Soshaul Logistics, LLC does not assume responsibility for any omissions, errors, or ambiguity contained herein. Contents may not be relied upon as a substitute for the FMCSA's published regulations. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction or operation.